Friday May 3, 2024
Josh Wagoner left and past President of SA TXCPA as well as state wide TXCPA Ed Polansky. Ed authors the Oscar the Osprey childrens' series of books.
Bruce Howard left and son Brandon right, Bruce is not a CPA but was HR manager for FHK CPAs for many years. He made the rounds of Central Texas University Accouunting Clubs with positive
suggestions on how to improve their career opportunities. I first met him when teaching at then SW Texas State way back in year 2000. He was the first person I asked to speak to our students at TAMUSA in 2003. He made such an i mpresstion one female student spent the next hour of class describing what he had said.
Above that is Liinda Vallejo with UTSA and Joe Guerra flashing his well deserved award.
Below April Bagley formerly with MGR Recruiters, accepts her award as I recall for being the Great All Around Always Helpful Person!
Here i s the official photo of Joe accepting his award, he works for the grou p that owns La Familia and two other Tex Mex SA restaurants. Joe is another great friend of the TAMUSA campus who has visited with our students.
Sylvester 'Sly' Johnson acepts his award. Sly was the Strategic Director for Whataburger. He is now Chief Administrative Offi cer for ADKF, the largest independent CPA firm in San Antonio.
Above Professor Elam accepts the TXCPA award for our own Rogelio Fernandez.
Now honestly how could I leave out this up close and personal photo of Mirabel Calderone?
Renee Foshee right and her ssister Amy Holmes, left. Renee taught some tax classes for us here at TAMUSA. She is now on the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy.