The San Antonio chapter has 3 exciting events in the next 3 weeks! All details are posted to the website - https://SanAntonio.IMAnet.org. As always, these events are open to non-members. So please invite a colleague!
Wednesday, Nov 30th - Lunch N Learn (100% virtual, 1 hr CPE, 12-1pm CT, totally free!):
AI and Accounting: Building Better Systems for the Future - presented by Lawrence Coffee
- Understand the basics of Automation and AI Use Cases in Accounting from Small Business, scaling to Enterprise.
- Challenges facing Data Quality and Self Service in the AI era.
- The Case for AI Governance and the evolving AI Regulatory Landscape.
Friday, Dec 8th - Lunch N Learn (100% virtual, 1 hr CPE, 12-1pm CT, totally free!):
Excel 301 (Intermediate Excel Tips & Tricks) - presented by Brian Butler
Learning Objective:
- Gain an understanding of how certain Excel functions can be used to establish a DATA FOUNDATION that will result in a meaningful analysis in virtually any setting.
Wednesday, Dec 13th - regular chapter meeting (in person 5:30pm-8pm CT/virtual 6-8pm CT, 2 hrs CPE):
NOTE THE unusual date: 2nd Wed instead of 3rd Wed due to holidays!
Bending the Curve: Leading in Unprecedented Times - presented by Michael Loschke
Learning Objectives:
Tax Update for 2024 (Federal & Corporate) - presented by Jennifer Larson (former SA Chapter President!)
Learning Objectives:
- Mike Lovelace, CMA
co-VP of Member Engagement