Tuesday Feb 15 2022
Actually I am not sure Putin ever intended to invade the Ukraine. I think the Ukraine is what Alfred Hitchcock used to call
a McGuffin, something that moved the plot along but was not really central to the plot. Here is what Putin has accomplished without firing a shot thus far
Re Established himself as if not a leader, a force on the world stage to be reckoned with
Forced the Premiers of France, Germany, USA all to raise his profile by visiting via phone or in person
Raised the prices of all his oil and natural gas reserves
By not invading he gets the Pipeline to Germany and the sales of gas
Increased Russian national pride by 'stranding up to the West' note Biden openly said he would not fight, a small victory in itself
to the Russian people
Putin thinks it a tragedy that Russia fell with the Berlin Wall, well Russia is back
cowered NATO or what is left of it to re consider ever inviting Ukraine as a member, does anyone really think the French or Italians are going to sacrifice their sons on the Ukraine alter, esp if Biden has already bowed out
My my two cents
Putin is the Man of the Year in terms of getting what he wants