Thursday Jan 21 2021
I attended a Robert Half Presentation today. It included this important slide, take a look.
The decisions you make or do not make the next two years will determine just how far you can go with your accounting ambitions. This slide makes that cear. The percentile rank refeers to the highest percentile of salary levels. Read the descriptions, why is the 95 th higher than the 256th? One word, accomplishment.
The left side of this weblog has a reference to the top accounting certifications. Please familiarize yourself with your options. It is imperative to take the certified exam ASAP while you are in school or just out. That is when you are at your best test taking skills. Understand that CIA, CMA, EA, CFE do not require 150 hours as does CPA not 33 hours of accounting beyond princiles. They just require a degree. Obviously you will need a great deal of specific accounting knowledge to pass the exam. But graduate school is not necessary.
Decide now on you career path, the sooner you focus on a certified exam the better.