Friday March 330, 2018
A student inquired about the value of obtaining a CPA designation. Seems he had been reading surveys of what 'average CPAs earn.' And it did not appear that it was worth the effort.
This s hardly the case.Such surveys are quite misleading. NOt only do such surveys include the salaries of CPAs in NYC and San Francisco, they include the teachers at Navarro Community College in Corsicana as well. And small practice CPAs in say Seminole, TX.
In fact certifications are used as 'cut off' points in deciding who goes to higher levels.What you decide to do with your CPA will determine its worth to you. One of our TAMUSA grads is now with Valero. She tells me they expect the new non certified hires in accounting to become certified to replace those who will eventually retire. bingo, no CPA, no advancement.
And go figure. The CFOs of large firms like HOLT CAT and Valero are CPAs. So am, but I am sure their salaries are two to three times what I make. But that is a decision as to which career path one chooses and the life style one wants to lead.
You tube has videos on most everything. Here is what I found when put accounting certifications in the search box.