Wed March 30 2016
James Jonas III is the disgraced city manager and city attorney from Crystal City, Tx. He lost his cush $216,000 salary as city manager when he was arrested.This is considered excessive for a city of 8,0000. So what to do for a living?
The Fraud Diamond adds the dimension of Capacity, how good is one at perpetuating a fraud So Jones, a former S Attorney ahd high powered republican lobyist, applied to be a public dfender for the indigent of Bexar County.
Someone who can keep all these balls in the air so to speak, would probably be pretty good at that. Bexar Judges will be meeting on his application.
And citizens get upset with the amount of money Sheryl Sculley makes, she is the manager to a city with over a million people. I know not everyone is a fan of hers (I am) but I think she has done great things for this City.
Posted by: Victoria Roeder | April 01, 2016 at 11:01 AM
Wow this town operates on a $500K budget but this man was making over $200K, and the citizens of SA get upset with Mrs. Sculley's salary? I think Mrs. Sculley deserves her salary, she has done great things for our city.
Posted by: Victoria Roeder | April 01, 2016 at 01:58 PM