Tuesday Feb 9, 2016
I rarely see a student carrying a book to read much less a Kindle. Yet background reading should be a large part of the college experience.
Here are a few suggestions
Final Accounting is Barbara Toffler's account of the final days of Arthur Andersen. There really was an Arther Andersen and back in the 1920s his firm stood for
integrity. But as she relates, AA lost its way billing being its most important goal. This should be required reading for all accounting students.
has her own consulting firm as a result of whistle blowing on Worldcom and then writing Extraordinary Circumstances. Check out the link, do you suppose she looked like that when working
at Worldcom?
Rogue Trader author Nick Leeson
literally destroyed Barings Bank. Today after a prison term he is a consultant. You can save time by renting the movie of the same name.
Check out Amazon's hMichael Lewis
page. His Big Short is at the movies now. I recently read Flash Boys. All are great titles.
Well what are you waiting for? Get to the public library and check out some titles or buy used on the cheap on Amazon.