Weekend Jan 24, 216
There are interviews with me posted on the socionomics website
regarding application of socionomics.
Each weekend I have a longer post on themarketperspective.com site on social mood. Here is the one from this week.
Amid falling world markets, check out the Terror Expo in San Antonio
Here is a practical application of socionomics, someone saw the interest in horror and organized a large event in celebration of frightful fun. This occurs as the rest of the world suffers real fright from lynchings in Mexico to beheadings in Libya.
Even Duck Dynasty is split with Phil for Cruz and Willie for Trump
An armed group is occupying a wildlife refuge in Oregon, grazing contract torn up-the revolution in the USA gets underway, more evidence of the New Civil War we have written about
Carol is a film nominated for six Academy Awards is based on 1952's The Price of Salt about two women hiding their affair - Hollywood loves and glorifies the gay life style
in a male dominated 1950s world, Kate Blanchette touring with the film in Japan
Smithsonian criticized for displaying Cosby Art Collection, hey it's about the art not Bill!
More lynchings in Mexico last year than any other time in the last quarter century, 98% of murders in Mexico are unsolved
Debt talks in Puerto Rico fail, default fears rise, $163 M in payments already defaulted, so it's official a US Territory defaults
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