Tuesday August 20 2013
Millions of young people are spending millions of minutes on facebook and such. But to what purpose? I mean is your goal on earth simply to let us know you hanging out at a bar or about to leave from the airport?
Here is an article on how 16 year old Aedan Richter writes book review blog. She estimates she has read about 400 books in her life. Her goal is to encourage reading among teens. Not surpisingly her Mom is a Communications Professor at Palo Alto CC.
She has 45 reviews to date.
Her point is well made. Reading makes us think, and it makes us better writers in a way no video game can achieve. We have students who I fear have never actually picked up a book and read it. Aside from that...
Aedan is creating a biography of her own. She is creating a record of accomplishment. I suspect that an admissions officer at a top college, the kind where admittance is tough, would be impressed at her initiative.
Now to the point. If one is going to spend time on Facebook, why not do this constructively. Do your FB entries reflect a professional interest? If you plan to go into accounitng or finance, do you post on accounitng and finance topics? If not why not?
Make the most of your time and effort. Take a laser focused aim at improving your prospects by using social media to advance your own cause. I mean hey, thousands of people are at the airport, so what, tell us something about your chosen profession that reflects on you.
Work smarter, not harder.
Check Aedan out at