Wednesday April 25, 2012
Some 53% of recent college grads are either underemployed or not employed at all.
Plan to amke your degree marketable now. This is another reason I emphsize examining various certifications. I urge students to begin working towards a professional certification while they are still in school.
I believe I came across the article you are referencing in 'The Atlantic'. It quotes the following:
"That said, not all degrees are created equal. The AP reports that students who graduated out of the sciences or other technical fields, such as accounting, were much less likely to be jobless or underemployed than humanities and arts graduates. You know that old saw about how college is just about getting a fancy piece of paper? Not true. For an education to be worth anything these days, it needs to impart skills."
Much like your stating, working towards a certification will greatly enhance skills and be an added bonus. After your mention of different certifications from Saturdays class, I'm thinking of starting small and working my way up. Study and sit for the Enrolled Agent test. Then hopefully the CIA test and finally the CPA. It won't hurt to know more before trying the major one.
Posted by: Daisy Castillo | April 30, 2012 at 05:59 PM