Sunday Feb 20 2011
You will recall that Bruce Howard said one must not only collect the business cards but one must do something with them. As he visited with some of our students after class, one student mentioned her bedical degree. Bruce correctly asked if the student had connected with Ann Stephens at Bio Med SA.
I could see the student was not following, and mentioned it later Saturday. But here is a good example of networking and how I knew about Bio Med SA.
I attended a meeting of the SA Institute of Management Accountants. Dave Hendrick, the business editor for SA Express Newss spoke on SA's involvement with the World Fair in Shanghai. I learned that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had contacted Henry Cisneros about helping raise the money for a pavillion. It was an excellent slide show, Dave attended along with other officials from San Antnio.
A few weeks later Ken Herring from Broadway Bank was addressing our Business and Industry Committee at SA CPA. I mentioned the Shanghai Expo, and Ken suggested I contact Ann Stephens head of Bio Med SA for a program.
bingo here is Ann adressing our group. SA Bio Med promotes San Antonio as a high tech biomedical center.
My point being that I knew what Bruce was describing as I had been doing what Bruce was suggesting, networking.
by the way, do you have a business card yet? You should and it would have your name and contact info, your title,
Marie R.
Texas A & M San Antonio
College of Business
Accounting Major, Class of 2012
Got it?