Wednesday Dec 22 2010
Fast Company profiles the latest thinking about Twitter. At first it seemed just a sort of self indulgent look at me and what I am doing site. But it turns out that Twitter is an instant messaging medium that provides instant feedback.
Frank Lutz does this sort of instant polling with political focus groups. He tracks their reactions while the politician is speaking. This feedback is invaluable to the person attempting to perfect the perfect thirty second sound bite. It is also apparently of value to the lost sought after two way tv feedback loop. This after all is what Nielsen and others claim to sell, at high prices, actual listener or viewer feedback. But set up a site, tell the viewers and bada bing, all the viewers can tweet away with their immediate impressions. Consider
285,800 Tweets about Glee the day Britney Spears appeared on the show
3,085 Tweets per second at eh end of the 2010 NBA championship game
Twitter is now setting up sites so that one can see the specific tweets for specific events, bingo instant feedback.
This could be of value in education as well, though I am not sure administrators and professors are ready for such instant feedback. Assuming the identity of the sender was secret, one could get the instant response of the crowd to anyone speaking at any time. Hmm, what about that lecture on Milton...
Check out the link above, Bill Clinton spent more on polling than any other President before him, now everyone is doing it.