Monday July 12, 2010
The exodus from high tax states continues. The one thing we did not hear discussed in the Lebron James story was the obvious reason to go to Miami. Mr. James is an NBA star who has played with a Cleveland team, he has bolted Ohio for Florida joining the Miami Heat team. The alternatives, CA, OH, NY are all high income tax states. Florida has no income tax. While Mr. James cites speaking to his Mother as a final reason for his decision, we wonder if his CPA was also a party to the conversation.
Rush Limbaugh also exited New York this past week by selling his condo.
Note in the link on this story that there are additional taxes paid to New York on the sale. Limbaugh is mimicking the famous headline from 1976 when NYC defaulted on its bond payments. Then NYC assumed that the President would bail them out, he did not, and so the headline was
Gerald Ford to NYC, Drop Dead.
I suspect we are only a couple of months away from financial waterloo for CA, NYC, etc in terms of not having enough cash to pay the bills. This weekend there was yet another article about Governors pleading for more money from Washington.
Think of a steamship trying to escape another ship in pursuit. The lead ship exhausts the coal available to fire the boiler (okay it's a steam locomotive, more romance in that...) What to do? In desperation, the crew starts chopping up the boat for wood, feeding the wood to the fire under the boiler. The question is, will the ship get to port before it literally burns itself up, and sinks, in the process. This is where cash strapped states like CA, IL, Ohio, and NY are today. The resolution is not far off.
Our reference to the New Civil War is simply that high tax, high cost states in the north continue to lose jobs and population to lower cost states in the south.