Wednesday May 12, 2010
Today I spoke at a Continuing Professional Education Seminar along with numerous accounting professionals from different fields. A senior internal auditor from Frost Bank spoke, in one slide she listed these certifications that one or more of their staff held. I can only conclude that if Frost Bank believes they are worth having, indeed, they are, so here goes. Click on the abbreviation for a hyper link to the appropriate site. Note, CISSP, CFIRS, CRCM are not listed on the link of certifications I have previously provided courtesy of a CC prof in California. CFIRS and CRCM appear to be pretty much exclusive to the banking field. but my point, find a certification and pass it. I also note that many of these require several years of in the field experience.
CISSP® - Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) Certified Information Systems Auditor The lady seated next to me was a CCSA, Certified in Control Self Assessment through the Institute of Internal Auditors, iia.orgCFIRS™ - Certified Fiduciary and Investment Risk Specialist™