Sunday Feb 28 2010
Wave of the Future
Facebook is the Wave of the Future
Elam: Are you sure it’s not the Wave of the Present?
usually ascribe considerable doubt to certainty, especially the more widespread
it becomes. We teachers are told that students get everything (learn?) from
social media now. Considering that most social media spots area aout 140 clicks
long, that is not hard to believe. What are we looking for in a report after
all? Oh, knowledge perhaps, the
proposition of a new idea, insight maybe?
is Fast Company’s Number One
Innovative Company. It strikes me as the ultimate embrace of the ‘me’
generation as it is indeed all about
that person. But
there is little to no real information value in that, and it is hardly a
platform that supports intellectual rigor. And so I ponder, as many have, the
Fall of Rome in writing this column. The
Pay Pal founder Peter Thiel is wondering the same thing. The internet will not save us from the
Dark Ages, he muses to Wired
My point here is that bull markets are inclusionary, we are interested in others, Bear markets are exclusionary, we worry about ourselves. And so the portable IPod iPhone has brought us the ultimate self indulgence. Yep, Facebook and Twitter are all about us. I get invitations from people I hardly knew back when I knew them, much less now. But the economy has everyone more worried than they want to admit about their own personal future. Their focus has turned into themselves.
All this twittering and facebooking of course, like Las Vegas, produces nothing. No wonder we are in a period of economic stagnation. The relatively good economy has thus far allowed such self indulgence. I doubt that will continue to be the case. When will it stop? It will stop when the economy is hard enough that everyone has to go back to work instead of indulging their own minute to minute fantasies.