New students will discover that one of my favorite Professors and writers is Tom Sowell.
He holds the Milton Friedman chair at Stanford and has authored over 40 books. Learn more about this great thinker at Any of his books would be a good choice for a book review in one of my classes.
In this linked column he offers a great observation to begin our semester. Students choose to acquire or not acquire education, it is not something that is doled out to them like ration coupons. Life is short, we all make choices. At Tx A & M San Antonio our non traditional students have committed to the time and effort to obtain a college degree. Let's make the most of it.
My blogs exist so we an visit 24/7 about what we learn in class. It is an interactive experiment on display for all to see. Critical thinking is stimulated by writing and speaking, take advantage of it.
I recently saw a tv interview with Olympic swimmer and medal winner Michael Phelps. The crew also interviewed his swim coach. The coach noted Phelps practiced every day. Aghast the reporter responded, you mean birthdays, Christmas, New Years, yes the coach replied. The coach went on to note that IF
one wants to be a champion swimmer, exercise such as weights, running are good but what you really need to do is
Get in the Water....
No kidding, let's get in the water.