I am using McGraw HIll books in all three classes, there are several reasons for that. ONe reason is that the free textbook site offers lots of assistance.
Below is a partial screen shot of this site, but all MH sites feature the same layout
Note all MH sites begin with mhhe.com then a slash / then the author's last name and then the number of the book edition, now what don't all publishers do it that way, beats me.
to purchase Hiomework Manager, yes, click on Homework Manager.
Now click on student edition in blue above, well on the actual site this is just a picture you silly.
I selected chapter 2 in the drop down box which brings up these choices.
Each chapter has a multiple choice quiz which you can answer to test your understanding, It will return your grade.
The Excel Templates are for the problems in each chapter that have an excel icon by them, you did read the preface in the book about that right?
Practice exams are just that.
Next there are powerpoint presentations with no narration and then the same with narration. I highly recommend you sit down and let the chapter explain itself to you,I mean it even talks to you.
Ipod content allows narration to be downloaded to your iPod. I have had students use this feature, no extra charge.
So there you go, lots of study aides, free if you use them!