masters in accounting
Unbiased Finance Blog

San Antonio Accounting Societies

Local Accounting Firms

  • BKD
    In the last few years several local firms have been acquired, like the Hnake group, by national firms such as BKD.
  • Grant Thornton San Antonio
    Grant Thornton is one of the large national firms occupying the size ladder below the Big Four.l
  • Padgett Stratemann is now RMS
    As San Antonio becomes a bigger player in Texas Business, more national firms are entering this market. A national firm does not start from zero. RMS ( purchased Padgett. This gives the buyer a large client base to start with. Typically the local partners have made a handsome profit on their time at the firm. But seeking to recoup the investment, the buyer typically raises fees knowing some business will be lost. RMS has re located from North Loop 410 to 1604 and 281. Renee Foshee, a tax expert with the firm, is the current SA CPA Society President.
  • Turner Cleveland PC
    Terry Cleveland has addressed our students. Two of our graduates are employed with at this firm.
  • weaver CPA
    Weaver is one of the largest Texas based Accounting Firms.
  • Hill and Ford CPAs
    Kim Ford has addressed our students. She has expanded her practice from tax and write up to forensic investigation and court testimony.
  • Fisher Herbst and Kemble P. C.
    Bruce Howard who was on our Business Advisory Council was the Officer Manger for this firm.
  • Ridout Barrett CPAs
    Tony Ridout has visited and addressed our students many times. We have placed graduates with Ridout for several years.

Financial Consulting Firms

  • Aventine Hill Partners, Inc.
    Beth Hair CEO founded Aventine in San Antonio in 2009. The firm now has offices in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and Houston. She formerly was with RGP.
  • Resource Global Professionals
    Susan Hough has been to campus and spoken to our students. She is the San Antonio Manager of RGP. RGP and Aventine are not CPA firms. Instead they offer contract specialists for firms needing specific tasks such as compliance or Controllerships.

Accounting Information

Accounting Certifications

Accounting Information

TAMUSA Library

  • P2240002
    Learn about the accounting review mateirals!

Geo Politics

  • Foreign Affairs
    :Published by the Council on Foreign Relations
  • Institute for the Study of War
    The Institute for the Study of War advances an informed understanding of military affairs through reliable research, trusted analysis, and innovative education. We are committed to improving the nation’s ability to execute military operations and respond to emerging threats in order to achieve U.S. strategic objectives. ISW is a non-partisan, non-profit, public policy research organization.
  • Stratfor
    This Austin, TX based site was begun by an ex Texas State Professor.

Columnists - Thoughtful Reading

Economic Sites and Blogs

The View from Abroad

San Antonio Ragtime Society

  • San Antonio Ragtimne Society
    This is an organization that sponsors the only annual Ragtime Festival in Texas. A TAMUSA student is an active member.
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San Antonio Ragtime Society

  • San Antonio Ragtimne Society
    This is an organization that sponsors the only annual Ragtime Festival in Texas. A TAMUSA student is an active member.


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July 25, 2009


LeAnna M Nesbitt

The new normal regarding funeral expense does seem to be a trend because of the economic conditions. People are looking at cost to bury their family members. Wooden caskets were normally used in the past and then caskets are at almost out of control cost in the present. A 360 cycle has developed which we are ending up in the 1900 procedures again.

While the airline industry was experiencing crude oil hitting record high and gasoline was retail price of $4.00 a gallon everyone was thinking mass transportation was going to be the escape mechanism. The airlines experienced a short bubble of increase percent until prices of crude oil and gasoline crashed during the past 6 months. Meanwhile as if the conversion back to individual automobile methods seems like the airports and airlines are making a bad case even worse by causing fustration at the check in counters with security and now operate during the economic adversity..

Dennis Elam

With video conferencing there is no waiting line and one is not wanded or shoeless.

Rob Earle

In regards to the outrageous costs of funerals, I feel that it was simply a matter of time before people began to find alternatives. While I do believe that the economy may have expedited the process, eventually people were going to wise up. Personally, I hate the idea of making my family buy an expensive box they’re going to turn around and burry six feet in the ground. Regardless of the amount of money I make, practicality would still reign over this decision. Why don’t they spend the money on a vacation to scatter my ashes? On that note, most cremations still require the family of the deceased to purchase a coffin. Wow… I hope that I’m buried face down in a class topped coffin so the funeral industry can kiss it.


Video conferencing tools such as Skype and Cisco are extremely useful tools in the modern business environment, but being the social person I am, I often need to speak to people in person to truly convey a message. While tools such as these may significantly reduce the amount of travel, it can in no way eliminate it completely. Additionally, in many cultures, a face-to-face physical presence is needed to gain trust, express competence, and conduct business in general. I wonder how (and how long) it will take providers to overcome these barriers, as well as how much profit these providers will make when it happens.

Dennis Elam

Cisco used the last season of 24 to demonstrate some of their products, the conversation that powers booth as president ad with a president of an african country was most impressive, the large as life screen made each seem as though they were in the room
I will be going to chicago in Sept, and yes I want the face to face, after that, hello Cisco...

Tammy Salinas

Call me old fashioned but I prefer the face-to-face interaction over video or plain telephone conference. Body language can not be seen with telephone conferences unless there is video. And what if there is a malfunction with the video feed? Then What? WHO knows the way technology is moving, maybe we will one day get to the Star Wars movie, of having a replica illusion be in front of your eyes...yikes.

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