Global Systems Audit Manager
Our client is a Fortune 100 company and they are seeking an IT Audit Manager. They are requiring 10+ years of experience in IT with direct hands on experience managing application development within an IT organization.
- Strong SAP experience
- At least one audit certification: CISA, CISSP, CCSA, CIA, CPE
I spotted this ad via one of the e mail notices I get. I would draw your attention to it for several reasons.
- Auditing is in a transition stage. We have moved in my lifetime from a pencil and paper system to a computerized paperless system. The problem is that audit systems lag that change. The perspective of most audit textbooks and courses is still grounded in the pen and pencil era. no wonder, the bicycle was invented when people rode horses. Hence the position of a person on a bicycle mimics the position on a horse. Modern recumbent designs are more efficient but we still cling to the original design based on another mode.
- Note the world global, IBM has had more business overseas than in the US since the 70s yet we have yet to adopt intl accounting standards.
- I posted yet another fraud at Baylor hospital on this blog last weekend, the thief worked in IT, he was not an accountant, hello!
- Only one chapter of the audit text is devoted to auditing computer systems, no wonder the guy managed to steal the money, we of course never hear of the successful thieves that slip away or hte companies too embarassed to admit it.
- Take another look at the certifications desired, do you notice anything? Yep CPA is not one of htem! The first three all have to do with computer systems not accounting systems, but wait, is there a difference?j
- Gee Bob Dylan got it right, the times they are a changin
- See my post for July 25 about the theft at Baylor Hospital