In a never ending quest to get more of your money, the Transportation Secy has suggested taxing us on the miles we drive, in addition of course, to the gas taxes we already pay. This would require all cars and trucks be equipped with a gps, a transponder, a clock and other stuff. This would tally how much tax you dowed depending on your road use. As if cars did not cost enough already.
They are serious about this, Obama rejected the idea but I suspect this is just a trial balloon to see just how far they can go.
Now to the critical thinking part. Why is this a great idea in Washington DC?
Because they will not be paying this tax. Like the 55 mph speedlimit, another lousy idea, this is a tax on particularly the western states where distances are great. It takes less time to drive 50 miles in West Texas than it does to drive 10 miles in Houston. And no one drives in Washington DC as there is public transportation via subways that of course you and I pay for but do not get to ride. And of course there is no where to park in DC anyway. A parking space there in a building costs thousands of dollars. And so the tax is all paid but those of us with miles to go before we sleep so to speak. Oddly the dim bulb governor of Idaho was for this, good grief he is a Republican, no wonder they are losing elections. This sounds so Ralph Naderish.
Yes this articleis on page 5A of today's SA Express news.
I can't believe they would actually be thinking that this was a good idea. What will they come up with next.
Posted by: Kristin | February 21, 2009 at 09:28 PM
This is a prime example of where our government is leading us. They want us to buy more fuel efficient vehicles, but when the fuel tax revenues are down because of better milieage, they find another way to tax us. It is just like the tax increases. Democrats support them because they don't pay their taxes.
Posted by: John | February 26, 2009 at 11:37 AM