wonders what it would take to get us to surrender. He muses that it took two nuclear bombs to finally turn Japan. This is true but the vote was actually 3-2 with the Emporer casting the deciding vote to give up. The generals incredibly wanted to fight on. This was their conclusion after seeing tenthousands of Japanese citizens incinerated in a moment, without I would add knowing how many more such bombs we had. That is truly a terrifying enemy.
Sowell points out that a nuclear Iran or Korea could supply a weapon that could wreak such havoc on a major US city, this as he says is a far worse tragedy than John Thaine making several million dollars while Merril Lynch melts. Unlike the rest of the land linked world, we have had the luxury of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans to keep hordes of Visigoths, Huns, Mongols, Vikings, you name the century, from simply marching here and overrunning us. Now the spectre of a backpack nuke changes all that, which of course is why N Korea and Iran want such a weapon.
I have mentioned the show 24 in class as being the right to the moment example of ethical challenge. Last night was no exception. The mole at the FBI shot and killed his lover after she erased the computer files which would reveal their complicity, he killed her rather than get caught, when captured moments later he of course wanted an attorney. Would you give him an attorney or waterboard the truth from him to hopefully learn what was about to happen next, surely he cared more for his own skin than anyone else. As the female President's husband lies dying on the operating table form wounds from our enemies, it makes one think....
how does one ethically deal with a group like Japan in WW II or terrorists now who will sacrifice untold numbers of their own to kill us? Your thoughts? If we heard this afternoon that Wall Street was toast ( Nicole Kidmand and George Clooney made a movie where that just almost happened) what would be our reaction?