Dear Ben Bernake
Mr. Ben Bernake,
Chairman Federal Reserve
Washington, DC
Dear Ben
It didn’t work.
I know that’s a ‘cut to the chase, right to the gut’ summary but, the time for hope is past. Yesterday the Dow Industrials blew right through the January ‘panic low’ and the March ‘rescue Bear Stearns and everything will be okay low.’ In short, that guarantee to Morgan to buy Bear Stearns that required one fourth of the assets of the FED balance sheet was for naught. It is time to re think the strategy.
I realize that you are surrounded by people that believe you can actually ‘fix this’ and will do anything to humor you to cast favor in their direction. But frankly you did not make this mess but could get blamed for not ‘fixing it.’ By the way, how bad are things now, let’s review.
If the Dow Industrials matches the decline of the financial Exchange Traded Fund XLF, it will shortly be at 8,000 as the XLF has declined 43% just since last April. But hey, the DOW is only down 18%, so far at 11,400. GM stock has collapsed 71% since last October. Ford stock sells for less than any Ford oil filter. Bond insurer AMBAC ABK is down from $90 last summer to less than $2. The biggest casino in Vega, MGM Grand has lost 65% of its value, now there is a consumer confidence indicator for you! Oil has hit a new all time high, gold recently did the same. It could get worse, the oil price could start down indicating we cannot afford to pay the cost of it, note that Exxon XOM has not gone to a new high suggesting that might happen. The dollar has lost 40% of its value since pre 9/11. Most everyone agrees that commodity prices are up with the dollar down. Bond holders are nervous about getting paid back in tiny US bucks.
Oil has risen in price from $80 to $140 but demand is certainly not up 75% since last year. So the price ought to be about $80.
Now what are you going to do about it?
Stop trying to everything to everybody. These guys on Wall Street got themselves in this mess, it is high time they were held accountable. Besides, Justice has already indicted two of the Bear Stearns traders so why rescue more of them? Show some courage. Bond interest rates are already up, the FED usually follows their lead. Raise rates one half a point. Call the Congressional leaders together and point out that caribou and polar bears do not vote, American voters have a habitat too.
Get them to announce drilling in the Gulf and on Federal Lands. Everyone buys gasoline but everyone is not in Greenpeace. Showing the world we are taking responsibility for ourselves will bring oil prices in line and some new respect for the beleaguered buck.
Or you can do nothing. For a picture of what that will be like, gander at a few 1980-81 U S Newspapers. Sky high oil prices, rising unemployment, the DOW at 800, it was not pretty. And remember, Regan beat Carter 489 electoral votes to 49. The markets will take rates up if you don’t. In fact interest rates on most bonds are already going up. Trust me, if things are like this next January, the new President, not the polar bears, will pick your successor.