Everyone talks about thinking outside the box but in my experience no one does it.
This writer suggests the networks would do better to just eliminate the evening news. After all it is just a highly paid person who sits and reads a teleprompter. Journalist, give me a break, they read the news someone else writes. News is on 24/7 on cable tv and multiple web sites, and much more up to the minute. The model has changed, there are a lot more than three networks just like there are a lot more than three car makers in the US. Come to think of it, that is not a bad analogy. As the writer says, Entertainment tonite for an hour would probably make more money.
I bring this up to spotlight the importance of 'new' thinking. Two weeks ago I distributed an article from CFO suggesting the FASB was going to eliminate the concept of net income. Apple eliminated the necessity of buying 12 songs on a CD to get the two you actually want, no one ever listened to the other ten tracks unless it was a Best of Album anyway, did we? Digital media and McLuhan's Global Village are a reality and real time is just that. Thinking needs to be focused on the increase in the speed of delivery of information. And that is why there is not need for a once a day evening news, especially at $15 M an anchor.....