At the end of Men in Black, the young lady remarks that Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith certainly have unusual jobs. Here is a story on truning the hobby into a business. And isn't that what we all want to do? Yep, it is time share for exotic car drivers. I know I would sign up! This idea has extended to airplanes with Netjets and yachts with The Moorings. And of course time share with condos has been around for a while. This idea with exotic cars actually makes a lot of sense to me as they are not daily drivers anyway, if you could drive on protected course, so much the better.
Okay, any creative ideas on new businesses out there? HOw would you use teh CVP techniques we learned in class to insure a profit?
Not so much a club but a local luxury car rental company.
Posted by: Wacey | April 26, 2007 at 01:04 PM