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Benjamin Roth: The Great Depression: A Diary
It's all here, times change people don't
-the endless govt programs that fail to stimulate the private sector
-the ups and downs of the economy, the veterans pension stimulates just as the housing credit did, until of course the money runs out
-Roth is a attorney in Youngstown Ohio who kept a diary regarding the economy from 1930 until WW II breaks out, he is objective, candid, and forthright which is more than we get from Washington DC now or then
highly recommended
Robert Scheer: The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street
The former Editor of Ramparts takes on both parties and how they sold out to Wall Street that is even now partying and bonusing on their former mistakes.
Charles Gasparino: Bought and Paid For: The Unholy Alliance Between Barack Obama and Wall Street
How Wall Street Backed the Administration and Got What It Paid For
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