Wed Feb 23, 2022
Germany invaded the Sudetenland in 1938. later taking all of CCzech in 1939. That was against the Treaty of Versaille but no one attempted to stop him. France had the larger army at the time but did nothing.
NASD over 50 day Moving Average
Now at 19.58 and rolling over to the downside
NDX 20% down will be 13,400
the NDX has lost 3,000 points in less than two months. The media is still referring to this as a correction and attributing it to Russia and the Ukraine. What does that have to do with FB? The real story is that five waves up from various time periods are complete and the action now is to the downside.
My MAC is in the shop and using the one at school this morning.
The weekly trend on the DJIA has now turned down, another negative.
The action by the West is weak at best. Team Biden has only terminated trading in Russian securities issued after March 1, who not all of them?
Social mood continues to deteriorate with six homicides in San Antonio in the last few days, Canada seizes bank accounts outside the US involved in helping truckers, lots of world unrest.
More later today.