Thursday Dec 31 2020
Big Oil, the Party’s Over
BP Predicts Peak Oil has been seen
Japan to mandate all electric cars by 2030
Big Oil Records $145 B Write Down
By BP revised its earlier outlook for a longer demand period for crude oil products. But the update this year suggests that peak demand occurred in 2019-2020. The world-wide reduction in travel due to Covid 19 drove prices negative for some time. And slack demand now has cappe the price of WTIC at $50.
As always the usual suspects are adding to the industry woes. Russia, Iran, and African countries have little to sell other than oil. Over-supply exists world-wide including the US. The best evidence of that is the number of rigs drilling for oil in the US at the close of 2020 is a mere 267. This is the lowest number since 2005. That was the year fracking really kicked off resulting in US Energy Independence for the first time in modern history.
Japanese politicians have declared the country will have all electric cars by 2030. The Toyota Motor Corporation replied that even by then, the electric grid of Jan would not support such a widespread demand. Undaunted, the politicians told Toyota to plan on it anyway.
The cost of removing Trump will be high to the anti-Trump crowd. The same arrogance is occurring in the US. President Joe Biden, having won, now proclaims oil companies pollute, though they are apparently in compliance with current EPA regulations. Expect a ban on fracking on Federal Lands. As Texas entered the Union as a former nation, the only Federal Lands in Texas are National Parks. Expect Energy nominee Jennifer Granholm and Gina McCarthy at EPA to regulate most frackers out of business.
The biggest vehicle sales are large pickups, parking lots are festooned with them. They won’t fit in a normal garage with a foot-print about the size of efficiency apartments circa 1965. Electric car sales are less than 2% of American vehicle sales. Will voters revolt over this cram down of cars they won’t buy now? An early warning emerged from California where Democrats lost four House seats in the last election .
California and New York continue to lose population to Texas and Florida. House sails in Austin, Tx are now closing on an hourly basis to well healed former Californians. Will these transplants, loathing Democrat policy, continue to vote for what they rejected by moving?
The stock market ends the year on a new high. But the broader market is sounding at least a correction. The McClellan Summation Index for the NASD and NYSE is rolling over. The number of stocks above various moving averages has started a slow decline. We cannot know if this is just a correction or a longer term event. Keep reading this column for updates on just that.