Weekend Dec 14, 2013
Two things have changed since those days. (when she was in the Reagan Administration) The first is that we used to worry the government would go bankrupt, and now we worry that it is bankrupt and no one's admitting it. This has created an air of considerable crisis. The second happened in the past few years. It is that the government is now unable even to pass a budget, to perform this minimal duty. Instead Congress and the administration lurch from crisis to crisis, from shutdown to debt-ceiling battle. That gives a sense the process itself is broken, and this lends an air of instability, of Third World-ness, to the world's oldest continuing democracy. We can't even control our books. We don't even try.
Peggy Noonan, WSJ Weekend
Charles Hugh Smith ponders five the five year bull cycle in stocks
And Charles has more thoughts on 2014 here.
These two articles certainly reflect out thinking and as he says are in contrast to the Rosy Scenario from economists like the one I heard this past week.
It appears we are at an historic juncture. Five years out from the 2008 financial market bottom evidence continues to accumulate that
the stock market topped in early December or will by January.
the Bond market has ended it 30+ year bull run
Gold is flashing Massive Deflationary Warning Signals and is now being joined by other commodities.
The Number One Commodity Buyer on the planet, China, has been in a bear market for years.
The US Dollar may have recently bottomed. With some commodities already falling a Dollar Rally could kick off the turn down in other markets. We have been writing about a parallel to Jan 73-74 for over a year. It may be worse than that. Perhaps we will parallel the five years form 1932-1937 rally which was inflated by government easy money, with a similar 1937-1942 collapse. If so that takes us 2013-2018, the projected end of our 108 year cycle of economic stagnation.
Technical analysis holds that there is always a fundamental event to validate the technicals. We have numerous fundamentals on simmer, rising to bbubbling about to go to full tilt boil.
Like Nixon, the President's popularity has slid below 50% as well as on the economy, the ACA, and worse, his credibility. A Clinton adviser has been brought in to attempt a salvage operation. Aside from domestic woes, the US has abdicated its world leadership role. This may make uneasy allies of Israel and Saudi Arabia, no small feat, but for the wrong reasons. Our point is that the Health Care Fiasco is causing domestic problems, and leading from behind is causing international problems. And now
demonstrations in Kiev for control of the Russian border state Ukraine
China versus South Korea and Japan USS Cowpens takes evasive action to avoid Chinese Warship
Most of South America slides left into a socialist quagmire
Turkey embraces Iran
Let's start by looking at what has been some of the 'hottest stocks' in the recent run up. Distribution is the first phase moving into a bear market. The smart money is selling to the late comers. We have noted numerous articles on how Mom and Pop have just joined the rally as have our readers.
Dennis Wilson,l founder of LULU,has made hundreds of millions selling his insider shares to late comers on the way up. Indeed I have shown my classes Analyst Conferences by these very insiders explaining why to buy LULU while of course they have dumped their shares as fast as possible. This is the very essence of a classic topping pattern. Note the 15.23% collapse this week. The favorites of this past bull are losing favor.
Topping patterns are a process. All stocks and indexes do not top at the same time. This is how the markets keep economists and late comers convinced things are Okay.
Sotheby's BID
Sotheby's is a socionomic barometer of the overall market. Positive social mood causes people to attend auctions and bid up the prices of 'collectible' which pay no interest, such as jade, art objects, or exotic automobiles. BID is back to its 2007 pre crash highs with the Commodity Channel Index at bottom higher than ever. CCI is now the polar opposite of where it was in late 2008. As Mentioned a Chase economist this past week recommended being long equities on the thinking that we are only half way through the recovery.
Nineteenth Nervous Breakdown
The Rolling Stones
This bear market is entering its final exhaustion phase, REMX has collapsed 70% in three yeras. But if it goes to 17, it will colapse another 50% from here. Is anyone still reading Steve Kaplan?
BP - Potential Massive Island Reversal ?
An island reversal forms with a gap, consolidation and then a gap in the opposite direction. The opposing gaps form an area without any price data that isolates the consolidation. In this regard, the consolidation becomes an island that is separated form the rest of the price action
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