Thursday May 16 2013
A few weeks back we declared The Great Recession had begun. Let's scan the headlines in the WSJ today
Housing Starts Slide 16.5%
European Recession is Longest Since War-that would be WW II
Wal Mart sees Tough Quarter
Editorial Page - Russia may be a has been power but it sure has the Obama Administration's number-this refers to the continued war in Syria which Russia supports - this mirrors the collapse 40 years ago in SE Asia of American power
A key feature of the 2008 collapse was the drop in pickup slaes, now American Falls Back in Love-this is a sign of a top
Investors jump in to Below Investment Grade Loans
HSBC to Cut 14,000 Jobs
Deere Cuts Sales Forecast for Next Year
Yes Japan is finally doing better after a 23 year absence but it is doing so on even cheaper stimulus than ours
I call this a ... "Monkey-Intelligence Chart":
Sometimes a Picture helps.
Posted by: Farley | May 17, 2013 at 01:04 PM