Monday August 15, 2011
Felix Zulauf is a long time member of Barrons Roundtable. In this weekend Barron's he seems to be in our camp, asserting the markets have turned to the downside.
Jay Feuerstein of 2100 Xenon also seems to be on the same page. I was not aware of his June prediction, hmm, do you suppose he has been reading the Market Perspective?
More later as the markets open here, looks like a slightly higher open we will continue to watch the volume. Both these predictions line up with our idea that we have another low here followed by a rebound and then down into next year.
And BUsiness Insider uses Doug Short's overlay charts to compare this market with past markets. I commented this past week that everything I read showed still high 20 p/es, and that is the case. As you will see the market is still way over valued on a traditional basis, we are nowhere close to the 'great buys' touted on business television this past week. Again we hare half way through the 18 year period of stagnation.